

It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. ~ Thomas Jefferson


C himunthu Banda, Hetherwick Ntaba, Vuwa Kaunda - government's spokesmen muddying human rights with the gay issue

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Philosophy Sexuality and Atheism. Conference in Kenya

This notification received if anyone of academic bent with funds or who can raise funds is interested to attend:

Jahwar Amber Fund On Campus is proudly inviting you to be part of its upcoming conference this June at the Kenyatta International Conference Center, Nairobi KENYA.

The theme is Philosophy Sexuality and Atheism.

I hope that it attracts the youthful as well as the old, since we are expecting a creative dialogue full of critical endevours that could justify the stability of humanism in Kenya. We are a secular state but religious in practice, which reflects what is almost in most African countries.

Also, remember to share this information with many within your networks, so that we may get as many applicants and participants in this conference.

Best wishes,

Boaz Adhengo

Click on the links for PDF or Application Form

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